Tuesday, August 18, 2009

5th Journal Entrieeeeeeeeeee

Schedule ^^
5:00-6:00 -eating, taking a bath and preparing my things and myself in going school.
6:00-6:50 -travel time
7:00-10:00 -I.T
10:00-11:30 -VALUES
7:00-8:30 -SS
8:30-10:00 -HUMANITY
10:00-11:30 -MATH

11:30-12:30 -eating of lunch
12:30-2:00 -my free time ^^ and also time for my friends ^^
2:00-3:00 -travel time on the way home
3:00-5:00 -relax hours
5:00-7:30 -doing my homeworks and other things for school
7:30-8:00 -eating my dinner
8:00-8:30 -taking a bath
8:00-10:00 -doing other thing until I get sleepy...........

7:00-10:00 P.E(wed), DRAWING(fri)
10:00-11:30 -eating lunch and preparing for the next class
11:30-1:00 -ENGLISH
1:00-2:00 -free time
2:00-3:00 -travel time
3:00-5:00 -relax hours
5:00-7:30 -doing my homeworks and other things for school
7:30-8:00 -eating my dinner
8:00-8:30 -taking a bath
8:00-10:00 -doing other thing until I get sleepy...........

Going to school for NSTP class, the schedule depend on the announcement of the head of the NSTP..............

9:00 -waking up!!
9:00-9:30 -breakfast^^
9:30-11:00 -using my computer
11:00-12:30 preparing for lunch and eating my LUNCH ^^
(cause sometimes I cook for our lunch)
12:30-5:00 -texting my friends checking if there's "gala" while surfing the net and playing games.
5:00-6:30 bonding bonding ^-----------------^
7:00-7:30 eating dinner
7:30-8:00 taking a bath
8:00-12:30 free time
-fixing my things for tomorrow school
-watching TV
-text text ^^
and other things to make me sleepyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

"The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished"
It happen in fourth year in highschool we join ballroom dance in our school ^^
At first a thought that it will be easy cause were not that serious in joining the contest. But my impression were really wrong, the practices is very difficult and also it consume a lot of my time. Also it not to easy to dance ballroom if it will be first time your going to dance, so it really challenge me. At the end our efforts were not wasted we won 1st prize in the said contest also this contest add my award for the graduation, for it was a great accomplishment because I put my effort on that!!! ^^

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