Tuesday, August 18, 2009

4th Journal Entrieeeeee

I really felt good because of this characteristic and I want to enhance more my characteristics to make it better.

- I guess in this situation laughing is one thing that cannot be avoided but I want my schoolmates and teachers not to laugh to much.
-When I'm expressing my opinion I want them to listen to me.
-I want them to respect my opinion in the projects we will be doing.
-When I commit mistake I want them to understand me and don't laugh at me.
-When they ask something to me that I don't want to do I want them to understand my reasons on not doing the task.
-I will give comments that is true to what I see.
I will respect everyone in the community. Like in the canteen I buy to them with respect. With the teachers when they are teaching I will listen. Also with the janitors I will respect their work and not to make to much messes in the cr and other facilities.

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