Tuesday, August 18, 2009

10thh Entrieeeeeeeee XD

This happen in my fourth year in highschool some of my friends are asking me to hang out with them and also drink with them a day before our exam. At first I really think that I must join them so that I can be with them, but I realized that the main reason that my parents send me to school is to study hard. Also I think that friends are important but if their giving you bad influences I think that you can be friends with them but if their doing bad things just give them advice and if they wont listen let them do what they want because you have done the role of being a friend to them.

9th Entrieeeeeeeee^^

For me a responsible person is the one that do the things that is given to him/her and also was able to do it very good. Also for me responsible is one that is organized with his/her things.
a. My responsibilities in our house, first to clean my room, wash the dishes, and also my favorite task assign to me is to cook for our meal.
b. My responsibilities in school is to respect everyone and also the main purpose is for me to study hard to reach my dreams.
c. In my community I must respect every individual and also obey rules.

8th Entrieeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I've chosen the challenge Admit Mistake. I able to do the challenge, and I really felt good because I know that no one will suffer for that mistake that is innocent so I admit it. I've realized that if you commit mistake you must always admit it so that no innocent will be involved and also everything that happen to you is the result of your action so admit your mistake. ^^

7th Entrieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

When I review my personal health assessment I figure out that I have many things allergic with so I will protect my health so I can prevent allergies. My plan for my health is to continue to take care of it because beside of allergies I have no other sickness, so I want to maintain my good health. ^^

6th Journal Entrieeeeee

-I challenge myself in getting high scores in quizzes and exams and also recite in class.
-I was able beat the challenge but not all, like in my exam I got not that high score but I pass the exam. I really felt happy because I pass the exam.
-I realized that you can do everything if you just try and put some effort to it. Also you can learned easily if you set a goal to reach. ^^

5th Journal Entrieeeeeeeeeee

Schedule ^^
5:00-6:00 -eating, taking a bath and preparing my things and myself in going school.
6:00-6:50 -travel time
7:00-10:00 -I.T
10:00-11:30 -VALUES
7:00-8:30 -SS
8:30-10:00 -HUMANITY
10:00-11:30 -MATH

11:30-12:30 -eating of lunch
12:30-2:00 -my free time ^^ and also time for my friends ^^
2:00-3:00 -travel time on the way home
3:00-5:00 -relax hours
5:00-7:30 -doing my homeworks and other things for school
7:30-8:00 -eating my dinner
8:00-8:30 -taking a bath
8:00-10:00 -doing other thing until I get sleepy...........

7:00-10:00 P.E(wed), DRAWING(fri)
10:00-11:30 -eating lunch and preparing for the next class
11:30-1:00 -ENGLISH
1:00-2:00 -free time
2:00-3:00 -travel time
3:00-5:00 -relax hours
5:00-7:30 -doing my homeworks and other things for school
7:30-8:00 -eating my dinner
8:00-8:30 -taking a bath
8:00-10:00 -doing other thing until I get sleepy...........

Going to school for NSTP class, the schedule depend on the announcement of the head of the NSTP..............

9:00 -waking up!!
9:00-9:30 -breakfast^^
9:30-11:00 -using my computer
11:00-12:30 preparing for lunch and eating my LUNCH ^^
(cause sometimes I cook for our lunch)
12:30-5:00 -texting my friends checking if there's "gala" while surfing the net and playing games.
5:00-6:30 bonding bonding ^-----------------^
7:00-7:30 eating dinner
7:30-8:00 taking a bath
8:00-12:30 free time
-fixing my things for tomorrow school
-watching TV
-text text ^^
and other things to make me sleepyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

"The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished"
It happen in fourth year in highschool we join ballroom dance in our school ^^
At first a thought that it will be easy cause were not that serious in joining the contest. But my impression were really wrong, the practices is very difficult and also it consume a lot of my time. Also it not to easy to dance ballroom if it will be first time your going to dance, so it really challenge me. At the end our efforts were not wasted we won 1st prize in the said contest also this contest add my award for the graduation, for it was a great accomplishment because I put my effort on that!!! ^^

4th Journal Entrieeeeee

I really felt good because of this characteristic and I want to enhance more my characteristics to make it better.

- I guess in this situation laughing is one thing that cannot be avoided but I want my schoolmates and teachers not to laugh to much.
-When I'm expressing my opinion I want them to listen to me.
-I want them to respect my opinion in the projects we will be doing.
-When I commit mistake I want them to understand me and don't laugh at me.
-When they ask something to me that I don't want to do I want them to understand my reasons on not doing the task.
-I will give comments that is true to what I see.
I will respect everyone in the community. Like in the canteen I buy to them with respect. With the teachers when they are teaching I will listen. Also with the janitors I will respect their work and not to make to much messes in the cr and other facilities.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

OUTSTANDING VIRTUE ^--------------^

If I'm going to choose an virtue that is outstanding for me it will be discipline because for me in every act you do there will be a lot of discipline to be put. And it also apply to my life as a student because I really need discipline so that I can control myself in playing computer games and I think this discipline help me right now cause right now I can control my gaming and also before I play I surely finish all my works. Also this a promise in myself that I will succeed no matter how it is hard but with this discipline I can accomplish it.



In my first week in MCL all my regrets before I go to college are all wrong, I thought when i get to college its all study and study but I was wrong its very fun to be with my classmates and also my new meet friends.

I can simply describe my professors as a serious and a fun to be with. Some of the positive traits I have notice in my professors are their so professional in teaching, I'm not saying that my teachers in highschool are not professional but the way of handling the students its really different and also the way they treat us its so mature.

My blockmates are so fun to be with, because everyone respects everybody opinions and also we have some likes so its easy to to be with. One of our strengths is we have respect in each of evryone and also one of the best strengths is we are having funnn in each and everyones companion. And also there are weakneses like to much noise and also being late in class. XD

I find our courses not to hard and not to easy. For me the easy course was values and social science because I really like the way of teachng in this courses because its easy for me to get the lesson if the teacher is very cheerful. For me the challenging one is the math beacause our prof. expect that we can get easily the lesson because were engineering student so I really listen so I can sucess in the course.

I have some adjusment to make like being serious in studys, adjusment with the new environment and the big adjustment to make is I will lessen the playing of computer games. And also adjusment with new friends, I have to be more friendly. Also I will study when I go home that I really not use to do in my highschool days...............................

Sunday, June 21, 2009

1.In my first few days in MCL I really felt nervous cause there is to much questions in my mind like 'will I meet many friends?' cause honestly Im afraid of being a loner. But when the first day comes its a wrong idea about life in college my clasmates are really easy going and also very fun to be with. To think of it college and highschool are not to diferent i think the only difer in the level of learnings but the environment is not that much diferent.

2.Values education help me because it remind me that I must always set a goal to reach and also workhard for this goals. And also values help realize that I must always be serious in my studys...^^

3.Checklist from High school to College

a. serious to more serious
b. "di n pede yung umaasa sa kaklase.."
c. very diiferent from high school in terms of class hours and schedule..