Sunday, June 21, 2009

1.In my first few days in MCL I really felt nervous cause there is to much questions in my mind like 'will I meet many friends?' cause honestly Im afraid of being a loner. But when the first day comes its a wrong idea about life in college my clasmates are really easy going and also very fun to be with. To think of it college and highschool are not to diferent i think the only difer in the level of learnings but the environment is not that much diferent.

2.Values education help me because it remind me that I must always set a goal to reach and also workhard for this goals. And also values help realize that I must always be serious in my studys...^^

3.Checklist from High school to College

a. serious to more serious
b. "di n pede yung umaasa sa kaklase.."
c. very diiferent from high school in terms of class hours and schedule..